Chasing grasshoppers

Chasing grasshoppers

Park lawn, kids run at top speed

Stumbled, mothers laughing

About AshiAkira

AshiAkira. Author of "Haiku Poems" and "Haiku Poems II" ( Old resident of Tokyo.
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6 Responses to Chasing grasshoppers

  1. Now that brings back memories!

  2. Olivia May says:

    I did that when I was a kid.

  3. weggieboy says:

    Love this blog! Haiku poetry is fun to do, but more fun to read. Yours are always evocative of nature in an intriguing way

  4. You have a real knack of bringing a brief moment, or a smell, or a known but forgotten sight into the mind’s eye. Thanks.

    • AshiAkira says:

      I believe there is a hint that leads us to understanding of ourselves in a moment that is passed almost unnoticed in our daily life as if it had no significance. Thank you as always.

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